Here at CCCL we know that finding help isn't always simple. Sometimes
you're not sure where to even begin. The list below connects you to the most requested services and organizations in the London and surrounding area.
London and Area Service Organizations
Addiction Services of Thames Valley: Suite 200 – 256 Pall Mall Street London, Ontario N6A 5P6519-673-3242
Aids Committee of London: 519-434-1601
Aids Hotline 1-800-668-2437
Alateen and Al Anon 519-672-7310
Alcoholics Anonymous 519-438-1122
Bereaved Families of Ontario 519-686-1573
Changing Ways 519-438-9869
Child & Adolescent Centre 519-685-8484
Children’s Aid Society London 519-455-9000
Community Legal Services 519-661-3352
Counterpoint Needle Exchange 519-434-1601
Craigwood Youth Services 519-432-2623
Crisis Services - CMHA Middlesex: 519-433-0334
Crisis Line (youth) 519-660-4357
Detoxification Centre (24hrs) 519-432-7241
Drug and Alcohol Registry of Treatment 1-800-565-8603; 519-673-3242 – local
Family Planning Clinic 519-663-5446
Family Service Thames Valley 519-433-0183
Information London 519-432-2211
Health Services in South West Ontario 519-641-5519
Kids Help Line 1-800-668-6868
Legal Aid London 519-433-8179
Lesbian Gay Bi Trans YOUTHLINE 1.800.268.YOUTH or 1.416.962.YOUTH
London Abused Women’s Centre 519-432-2204
London Distress Centre and Suicide Hotline 519-667-6711
London Housing Access Centre 519-661-0861
London Intercommunity Health Centre 519-660-0874
London Interfaith Counselling 519-434-0077
London Police 519-661-5670
Madame Vanier Children’s Centre Crisis and Intake Centre 519-433-0334
Mental Health Crisis Centre 519-433-2023
Mental Health Service Information Ontario 1-866-531-2600
Merrymount Children’s Centre 519-434-6848
519-646-1650; (msg – meetings held) 519-661-0119
Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Services Workers 1-877-828-9380
Ontario Works London 519-661-5906
(anonymous HIV testing) 519-673-4427
Parents Help Line 1-888-603-9100
Payso (hotline for gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, transgendered youth) 519-675-3774
Poison Control 519-667-6565; 1-800-268-9017
Police Ambulance and Fire 911
Problem Gambling 1-888-230-3505
Regional Mental Health Care London 519-455-5110
Rotholme Women’s and Family Shelter 519-673-4114
Sexual Assault Centre London 519-439-0844; 519-438-2272 (Help Line)
Sexual Assault and Treatment Centre 519-646-6100
Sexual Health Information 1.800.561.2416
Telehealth Ontario 1-866-797-0000
Women’s Community House 519-642-3003; 519-642-3000 (Help Line)
(These resources are made available to you without any liability to CCCL or our site as we cannot guarantee any of the information provided in links that are outside of this site. Any questions regarding the information provided in these linked sites need to be directed to the owners of the sites.)